About Addiction Counseling Communications

What We Do

For Clinics and Clinicians

Addiction Counseling Communications provides a comprehensive platform designed to support clinics and clinicians by simplifying their administrative workload and enhancing service delivery. Our key features include:

AIPowered Documentation Assistance: Automates Medicaid compliant records, reducing documentation time while ensuring accuracy and regulatory compliance.

Referral Network: Addiction Counseling Communications’s network is designed to increase client count and boost clinic efficiency. We work with a wide variety of partners—including inpatient and outpatient clinics, courts, CPS, probation and parole, and other organizations—who are consistently seeking quality addiction counseling services for their clients.

Secure Telehealth Access: Offers an integrated telehealth portal that allows clinics to conduct secure remote sessions, expanding service reach.

Outcomes Tracking and Data Analytics: Enables clinics to track client progress with ASAM approved surveys, allowing for data driven treatment adjustments and demonstrating program effectiveness.

For Individuals Seeking Services

Addiction Counseling Communications simplifies the process of finding the right support, providing:

Referral Network: Addiction Counseling Communications connects individuals with addiction counseling services tailored to their unique needs, offering a timely and efficient way to receive appropriate care.

Telehealth Portal: Provides remote counseling access, making it easier for individuals to receive support wherever they are.

Recovery Tools and Resources: We offer a variety of tools, including a meeting finder, sober tracker, and educational resources, all designed to support individuals at every stage of their recovery journey.

Meet the Founders
Why We Founded Addiction Counseling Communications

We founded Addiction Counseling Communications because we have all worked in addiction counseling as executives, directors, or clinicians. We know the importance of compliance, the heavy burden clinical staff often carry, and the urgent need for more accessible services. Our experiences have shown us that there is a real need for a platform that not only reduces administrative strain on clinicians but also bridges the gap between people in need and the quality care they deserve.

Demetrius Joslin – CoFounder
Demetrius leads Addiction Counseling Communications’s operations and vision. With extensive experience in business development, he’s dedicated to redefining addiction counseling by making it more accessible and efficient for providers and clients alike.

Marvin Colman – CoFounder
A licensed clinician and compliance specialist, Marvin oversees Addiction Counseling Communications’s commitment to regulatory standards, ensuring that all documentation generated through Addiction Counseling Communications’s AI assistance is Medicaid and regulatory compliant. His dedication to compliance provides clinics with confidence and ease.

Michael Erickson – CoFounder
As Clinical Director, Michael is the key contact for clinics and organizations. He supports Addiction Counseling Communications users through onboarding and ongoing guidance, helping clinics maximize the platform’s capabilities to deliver effective, compliant care.